Jake Jackson
Everything You Want to Know
Australian singer song-writer Jake Jackson has a million stories to tell about a life less ordinary.
Jake walked out of home just after his fifteenth birthday to discover a life of twists and turns on the road in country Australia prior to travelling the world. He meandered back to Melbourne with no education and then went about getting himself into the conservatorium of music. studying guitar and voice the journey took him to many new places musically. A deep affection for the romantic and then the expressionist period sent him on a path toward the more unusual. After the con the next few years were spent gigging relentlessly as a guitar player just trying to make a way forward.
Jake was always writing and crafting songs out of a life until they put you in the moment, creating tales that can be told time and time again. Years of travelling and seeing all the colours that shine from people of all walks of life has left a residual confidence and experience that is more valuable than any other learning. From the subways in Budapest to the cafes in Berlin there are so many memories that deserve recolection.
Now proud to be solid in belief and desire, he is singing stronger and taller than ever before. This album is a testament to exactly that.
Listen carefully and you won’t put it away. The melodies and words will find a place in you in which to thrive.